About Me

Hello, I’m Caetlyn! I’ve loved writing since I was little, acting out stories with my stuffed animals before I progressed to actually typing them out. I first began getting passionate about diversity in literature when my family adopted my youngest brother from China when I was in 8th grade, and this only intensified as I discovered my own diversities, such as my autism. I became aware of the big beautiful world of the variance of the human experience and celebrating all of them. You could even say it’s a special interest of mine—I love learning more about stereotypes to avoid, discourse within the different communities, and how exactly to portray specific experiences, and work continuously to stay on top of it all.

With these interests and a passion for correcting harmful stereotypes in literature, and the appropriate education and research, I decided to become a sensitivity reader. I would not only get paid for my expertise, a smart move, but also benefit literature and communities of people as a whole.

My Qualifications:

  • Many years of lived experience, including 23 years of lived experience as an autistic person
  • Bachelor of English with a Creative Writing concentration and a 4.0/4.0 GPA
    • Relevant courses:
      • Disability and Health
      • Abnormal Psychology
      • Brain and Behavior
      • Advanced Fiction Workshop
      • Intermediate Fiction Workshop
      • Advanced Poetry Workshop
      • Intermediate Poetry Workshop
      • Creative Writing I
      • Business Communication
      • Readings for Creative Writers
      • Intro to Literary Criticism and Theory
      • Grammar for Writing and Speaking
      • American Literature 1865 to Present
      • American Literature to 1865
      • British Literature: 1800-Present
      • British Literature to 1800
      • Victorian Literature
      • Shakespeare
  • Much personal research on the topics
  • A member of autistic and anxiety communities
  • An avid reader